Online Class:
The Science of Reading (NEW)
Navigating the controversial world of reading instruction can be overwhelming. In this course, The Science of Reading, you will review current research and understanding and apply these ideas to your own classroom reading instruction. The course text, Visible Learning for Literacy, Grades K-12, will look at the effect size of different approaches and strategies. You will leave this course with an understanding of when to use each approach, which routines are most effective, and how to integrate the science of reading into curriculum planning.
Five credit students will choose an additional text to further their study of the Science of Reading on a course topic of their choice.
For K-12 Teachers
This class is offered for 3 or 5 Quarter Credits
Purchase the course text:
● Visible Learning for Literacy: Implementing the Practices That Work Best to Accelerate Student Learning Grades K - 12 by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie, Corwin Literacy, 2016
Five Credit Students will purchase one of the following:
You are encouraged to wait to purchase and select your independent study text until you have had a chance to familiarize yourself with the course topics in the first 5 assignments.
● Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom: K-5 Classroom Companion to Visible Learning for Literacy by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Jattie, 2017
● Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom: 6-12 Classroom Companion to Visible Learning for Literacy by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Jattie, 2017
● The Science of Reading: A Handbook, 2nd Edition by Snowling, Hume, and Nation, 2022, Second Edition
● Or choose another text that interests you that aligns with the course topics
Register Anytime! You can start your course TODAY!
1. Click "Registration" below. Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card.
2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework.
3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace. Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!
Option 1: Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525
Option 2: 3 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $525
+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690
Option 3: 5 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $715
+ $275 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $990
Student Testimonials:
The most beneficial aspect of this course was the course text and structure of assignments. I learned a lot and was reminded of a lot within this course text. I was able to take away actionable items that I can immediately incorporate into my classroom. I also liked the way the assignments were structured. I liked using the various note-taking strategies to summarize our outline of what was presented in each chapter. That was an easier and more useful way to digest the information than simply writing one-pagers. I really enjoyed this course and the course text! I have already shared some of my new knowledge and ideas with my current team. I am excited to continue to implement new ideas which will only have positive effects on student learning.
—TINT Student
I love this class! It totally met my interest levels with the Science of Reading. I like the flexibility and also the ability to make the learning my own. I felt the freedom to read, reflect and share in ways that felt the most meaningful for me, so I am very grateful for that! This class exceeded my expectations in terms of flexibility and working full-time.
With so much data out there around the Science of Reading, I appreciate that this class was rooted in a text that seems very unbiased. It represents best practices that include foundational skills and whole language strategies together. This aspect was good for me. In order to raise a reader, I need to be intentional about my teaching moves, and that needs to include all parts of the Simple View of Reading (Word Recognition + Language Comprehension) or said differently both constrained and unconstrained skills.
—TINT Student