Frequently Asked Questions:
1. I took a class through Seattle Pacific University. How do I access my transcript?
Use this link:
2. I took a class through Portland State University. How do I access my transcript?
Use this link:
3. Is TINT still partnering with PSU (Portland State University)?
No, after 40 years of working together, PSU notified us in January of 2018 that they are shutting down our department in June of 2018. We are excited to now partner with Seattle Pacific University. They will offer our students a streamlined registration processes, less fees and more flexibility. Click here to read more.
4. Are TINT Classes Quarter hours or Semester hours?
Graduate Level Quarter Hours
5. If I must cancel a class, will I be reimbursed?
If you must withdrawal from a class, please notify TINT by phone (503.746.7051) or by email ( ASAP. For online classes with SPU: Withdrawals submitted within 7 days of enrollment will receive a 95 percent refund. Withdrawals submitted after that point will not receive a refund and no withdrawals will be accepted after the last course session. More info here.
6. Does TINT Issue Tax Documents?
At TINT we don't issue tax documents. In the past our students have had success using their receipts. Please email ( if you need another copy.
7. Can I have a copy of a W-9 form for TINT?
Yes. You can download it here: LINK to W9