Online Class:
Science Inquiry:
Using Science Mysteries to Engage Students
Instructor: Krista Geffre
Explore how to engage K-8 students in memorable and meaningful science inquiry learning and discussion. Learn the benefits of inquiry-based science teaching as well as how to integrate science with literacy. As you read and reflect on the required text (details below), learn how to give your students the opportunity to create questions, form hypotheses, and test their ideas using mystery stories focused on skills in Earth, Space, Life, and Physical sciences.
This course will support teachers in:
learning what science inquiry-based teaching is
learning about integrating science and literacy
implementing and reflecting on a science inquiry unit from the required text
reflecting on their own practice as a science teacher
understanding and implementing the Next Generation Science Standards
creating an action plan for inquiry-based science teaching
For K-8 Teachers
This class is offered for 3 Quarter Credits
Required Textbook:
Everyday Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching by Richard Konicek-Moran
Register Anytime! You can start your course TODAY!
1. Click "Registration" below. Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card.
2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework.
3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace. Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!
Option 1: Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525
Option 2: 3 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $525
+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690
Student Testimonials:
The class exceeded my expectations. I really didn’t know what to expect and I am really happy to walk away with a different approach in teaching and way of thinking. Thank you for putting this course together!
—TINT Student
I really enjoyed this class for many reasons. One being I just like learning. I liked reading about the research behind inquiry-based teaching. I still like looking for things that will engage and reach more students instead of always staying static in a lesson I am comfortable with. I like to see different ideas for educating students. As technology, society and shifts in education change I want to make an impact in my students' learning.
The class was great. It did meet my goals and expectations. I want to be a more engaging science teacher to my students and this class presented ideas on how to do that.
—TINT Student
Honestly Krista, all of your classes I have taken have been phenomenal. I consider myself to be an expert teacher, yet every time I take one of your courses it makes me reevaluate my teaching style and it gives me a whole new set of tools to improve my teaching. I had never thought of using something like a story to engage students and to let my students actually lead their own learning path. I always carved out the path they would take. I thought that that was the only way I could get through all of my curriculum. However, this class has shown me that is not the case. My students are much more engaged when they are in charge of creating their own learning path. Ultimately the end result is the same, we still get through the same curriculum, we still cover the same key concepts and the same essential questions. The difference is the students are much more interested in it.
—TINT Student
I really enjoyed the assignments and the follow-up responses to my assignments. It is nice to have someone to bounce things off of and answer questions as they come up. Having the class requirements helped me stay focused and on task. I was able to complete the class at my own pace.
—TINT Student
Thank you for the wonderful course and feedback you give. It's definitely been one of the better professional development courses I've taken so far. : )
—TINT Student