Online Class:  

Project Based Learning

Instructor: Krista Geffre

This course will walk you through the process of designing an engaging project based learning unit. Project based learning is an effective method of teaching where students learn through engaging in real-world and meaningful projects. Project based learning engages students in the learning process and makes learning fun. The course text and additional readings and resources will help you to understand how to create high quality project based learning and will help you to develop the skills and strategies you need to implement it successfully in your classroom. You will leave this course with an understanding of project based learning and a complete project based learning unit plan that you can teach in your classroom right away.

For K-12 Teachers

This class is offered for 3 Quarter Credits

Required Textbook: Purchase the appropriate text level

Keep it Real With PBL: A Practical Guide for Project-Based Learning, Secondary by Jennifer Pieratt

Keep it Real With PBL: A Practical Guide for Project-Based Learning, Elementary by Jennifer Pieratt

Register Anytime!  You can start your course TODAY!

1. Click "Registration" below.  Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card. 

2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework. 

3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace.  Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!


Option 1:  Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525


Option 2:   3 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $525

+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690

Student Testimonials:

 I found this course to be very useful and it met my goals for this course. I found the course text to be very helpful and easy to follow. It included step by step instructions with examples that helped not only explain what PBL is but how to successfully create and implement a PBL unit in your classroom. I also found it very productive to use the class assignments to create our own PBL unit. As we know, we learn best when doing, and that was definitely the case in this course. Actually going through the process of creating and testing out the PBL unit helped to make implementation of the unit in the real world a reality. The course text is something I will definitely refer back to as I look to add more PBL units to my current curriculum. I have long been curious about project based learning and I can leave this course saying I have a much better understanding of it, its benefits, and how to make it successful for my students. Thank you for your time and feedback, as always! 

TINT Student

This class definitely met my expectations. I enjoyed the practicality of the text, Keep it Real with PBL. I felt it was a nice blend of workbook with some textbook information, examples and questions to consider. The questions you posed for reflection were pertinent and useful.  It has been a pleasure taking this class. In addition to long term changes and ways of thinking and teaching, I was hoping this class would provide tools or techniques I could implement immediately to become a more effective teacher. I feel this course met both expectations. Thank you!

TINT Student