Online Class:  

Growth Mindset Teaching: You Can Do It!

Instructor: Ashley Smith

The beliefs we hold about intelligence directly influence our ability to learn, think critically and our level of achievement.  In this class, you will learn the difference between a growth mindset (the belief that anyone’s intelligence can develop through hard work and perseverance) and a fixed mindset (the belief that intelligence is assigned and can’t be increased).  Also, you will find ways to foster a growth mindset in yourself, your students and their parents.  These changes will positively impact the learning of every student regardless of subject, age or past performance.


For K-12 Teachers

This class is offered for 3 Quarter Credits

Required Textbooks:

Mindsets in the Classroom and Ready-To-Use Resources for Mindsets in the Classroom both by Mary Cay Ricci. 

Register Anytime!  You can start your course TODAY!

1. Click "Registration" below.  Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card. 

2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework. 

3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace.  Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!


Option 1:  Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee (30 PDUs):  $525

Option 2:  3 Quarter Credit (60 PDUs) = TINT Tuition Fee: $525

+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690

Click Here For Coursework Preview

Student Testimonials:

I am very excited to implement all of the growth mindset ideas in my own classroom from day one! Going forward I feel inspired to be a leader in helping my future teaching colleagues, if they’re not already on board, to cultivate a growth mindset culture in the whole school building. Thanks to this class I feel more excited about teaching than I have in a while. It has reignited my beliefs about how all students can succeed when they believe in themselves and when I help to cultivate the right circumstances for them to grow.

TINT Student

I have really enjoyed this class for many reasons.  It was a great opportunity to reflect on my teaching, my students, and I’ve gained so much knowledge about fixed and growth mindsets.  I enjoyed both books that went with this class, and I found them an easy read which kept my interest.  I think they will also be great books to reference throughout the year.  I feel like all of my goals were met.  I learned what a growth/fixed mindsets were, how the brain works, about my own mindset, ways I can implement and teach a growth mindset in class, and the positive effects it has on students.

This class has better prepared me to improve student achievement through a growth mindset because it allows me to teach students that they can all be successful, be challenged, held to high standards, learn from mistakes, and show perseverance with a growth mindset.  I am most excited to implement and put into action all that I’ve learned.

Thank you for offering a great class, meaningful assignments, and timely feedback, it is appreciated.

TINT Student

Thank you for both classes this summer! I love having classes that are completely applicable and relevant to my classroom!

TINT Student

I took this class as a requirement for my continuing teaching license. This has been the most engaged and excited I have been about a continuing ed class for quite a few years. Thank you for your feedback and assignments.

TINT Student

I can’t wait to get back to school and share my learning with my colleagues. I’m so excited to start my school year with some very powerful lessons and activities that will set up a great culture in our classroom! There isn’t one thing specifically I am most excited to try- it’s everything! Thank you for the wonderful resources and feedback throughout the class. I truly enjoyed it and think this is one of the best classes I have taken! 

TINT Student

Thank you for offering the Growth Mindset course.  I had some prior knowledge of Growth Mindset coming into the class, but this course allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the Growth Mindset concept.  My goals of this course included learning methods of interacting with my students to help them develop a growth mindset and to strengthen my own growth mindset.  Numerous useful resources were provided for me, to share with colleagues and also with parents and students. This course offered “Look fors” in a growth mindset learning environment. These “Look fors” provided guidelines ranging from how my classroom should look to what my students should be saying and what I should be saying in order to reinforce a growth mindset in the classroom.  The replacement statements for “fixed mindset statements” to “possible growth mindset replacement statements” was another great resource and something I was hoping to gain from this course.  I am always looking for ways to make learning fun for my students and the Guess Box and Collections games are something I will definitely be using in my class next year. 

I had not considered teaching how the brain works connecting neurons as students learn and also make mistakes.  I think this is very valuable information and will help students understand that it is necessary to struggle and to make mistakes in order to learn.  Another aspect of growth mindset that I hadn’t realized was the fact that “gifted” students often suffer from fixed mindsets and how scary the whole idea of stretching themselves and maybe failing for the first time can be for these students.  It opens a whole new window into the behavior of some of my “gifted” students. 

The resources provided, along with the resources I was encouraged to find are going to be so helpful in my teaching.  It is amazing the number of resources whether it be videos, activities, posters, books, articles, etc. that I discovered during this course.  I am glad it is summer and I can spend some more time perusing these resources and others.  I am excited to implement these strategies in my classroom in the fall!  Thank you again!

TINT Student

My many reasons for taking this class have been more than met.  I wanted to be better able to understand mindsets and find ways to teach my boys and students how to develop their growth mindsets. I have not only been able to use them as my guinea pigs, but my talk has been infused with language to help them develop their acceptance of failure, perseverance and grit, and resilience.  I have noticed a buoyancy in the two boys I have begun talking and doing my activities with; they feel better because they have already grown more confident and self-assured as well as knowing that failing is ok and we learn by being scientific in our approach to failure (finding mistakes as ways to figure out how to get better and better). 


My other goal met is of course with my teaching work. I have gained what I needed to plan and take my next steps in helping my students understand more about not only growth mindset but neuroplasticity and how to strengthen their brains and develop the character skills necessary to tackle adversity and accept failure and keep trying. It isn’t “one more thing” but a connection that can help all of the “things” (differentiation, RTI, scaffolding, etc.) be most effective. 

TINT Student

This has been one of the best classes I've taken for professional development. Thank you! The content is based on research and it is completely usable right away….I’m also excited to introduce this idea to parents. I'm sure some of them are familiar with it and practice the ideas at home. But, I look forward to getting everyone on the same page and having it be an ongoing discussion….Thank you for your prompt feedback and insights.

TINT Student