Online Class:  

Google in the Classroom

Instructor: Krista Geffre

Google is more than just a search engine!  In this course you will build your knowledge, skills, and comfort using the G Suite for Education tools with an in-depth look at using Google Classroom. These tools will enhance the classroom experience for your students and help you to become a more productive teacher. All technology levels are welcome - beginning students will have video tutorials and support to build their skills while advanced students will learn new project ideas and innovations to expand their knowledge and apply in their own practice.  This course is appropriate for teachers with traditional Google access (everyone) as well as teachers with Google Classroom accounts (schools that have adopted Google Classroom).


For K-12 Teachers

This class is offered for 3, 4 or 5 Quarter Credits

Required Textbook(s):

3 credit students don't need to purchase anything.

4 credit students will purchase one textbook out of the 5 options given OR complete a Google Certified Educator training and exam that costs $10.

5 credit students will need to both purchase a textbook from the list AND complete the training and exam ($10).


CHOOSE ONE of the following texts based on your interests:

50 Things you Can Do with Google Classroom by Alice Keeler and Libbi Miller

50 Things to Go Further With Google Classroom: A Student-Centered Approach by Alice Keeler, and Libbi Miller

Hacking Google For Education: 99 Ways to Leverage Google Tools in Classrooms, Schools, and Districts by Currie, Krakower, and Rocco

The Google Infused Classroom: A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice by Clark and Avrith

The Hyperdoc Handbook: Digital Lesson Design Using Google Apps by Highfill, Hilton, and Landis

Register Anytime!  You can start your course TODAY!

1. Click "Registration" below.  Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card. 

2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework. 

3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace.  Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!


Option 1:  Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525


Option 2:   3 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $525

+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690


Option 3:  4 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $625

+ $220 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $845


Option 4:  5 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $715

+ $275 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $990

Student Testimonials:

I was excited to learn about many different things in this class. Learning about Slidesgo, Screencastify, and more tips for Google Classroom were my top three. This class definitely met my expectations because I feel more confident about things I have already tried and feel excited about new things I’ve learned. As I go into a new year, I feel confident that I can be a resource for other educators when it comes to Google Apps, and I’m looking forward to trying new apps that I haven’t used before. As a teacher who has been around for a while (going into my 24th year), I often feel behind the younger teachers when it comes to technology integration. It’s crazy to think back to my early years with an overhead projector and Apple Blueberry desktop computer. I always enjoy learning new things from younger teachers, and maybe now I’ll have a few ideas to share back (maybe!).

TINT Student

The most beneficial aspect of this class was all the incredible resources! This class exceeded my expectations and I’m thankful a colleague recommended it to me. I can’t think of any ways to improve this course. The readings and assignments are jam-packed and allow for individual pathways and choices of what to learn. I can see myself continuing to use the resources you shared and delving deeper into other areas. Thanks so much!

TINT Student

This class was EXCELLENT!  What I liked the most was how many aspects of Google I was able to explore!  Over 80% of the topics I researched I had NEVER used and almost of ½ I them I had not even heard of.  All of the information that good had to offer was easy to follow and understand.  I LOVED all the teacher websites and ideas.  I bookmarked them all and cannot wait to explore and create.  This class was not only eye opening to all that Google has to offer but it helped me build the confidence I needed to get started!

TINT Student

Initially, I thought this class was going to be a breeze and assumed I knew the majority of things that were going to be tossed my way. Although there was some overlap with prior knowledge, I learned about new apps that I can explore, ideas about how to make my class more student-centered through using Google Apps, and a bunch of new strategies that will ultimately make me a better educator. I think doing the Google Level 1 certificate course was a great assignment because it was challenging and I enjoyed reading the book for assignment #6. I enjoyed the balance between reading online resources, watching videos, the certification exam, and reading a short book. 

TINT Student

I think this class setup was great in introducing various Google tools and giving the student (me) time to explore those tools. I then had plenty of opportunities to create my own Google resources and try them out in the classroom! I am excited to see how these Google resources continue to evolve with the needs of teachers and students.

TINT Student

My biggest appreciation for this class and all of the TINT online classes is that it allows me to work at my own pace. Somehow I fool myself into thinking that summers are going to be wide open and free and that is rarely the case. I also really tend to prefer classes that offer a certain level of practicality. This class ticks that box for me. I know that my students and I will benefit from me having taken this class. Finally, I appreciated the opportunity to take the Google Certification as a part of the class. I liked having the choice of the certification vs book study. It is a reminder to me that giving choices gives opportunities to demonstrate growth in different ways.


I think this class exceeded my expectations simply because I came away with more ideas than I had imagined.

TINT Student

I think the part of this class that helped the most was the knowledge that we can do so much from home and be able to make it through Covid-19 much easier with the technology of all these programs.  I am excited to actually use more of google this year than I have in the past.  Thank you for the information and for the special little extras you put into the course.


Thank you so much for this class and your help.  There is nothing I would change.  It was one of the best classes I’ve taken.

TINT Student

This class was so timely and relevant, especially considering I go back to work in 5 days.  I appreciate that this class had a lot to offer me even though I already felt comfortable with technology and the Google Suite.  I really wanted to broaden my G Suite skills and increase G Suite functionality for my virtual classroom and this course has really helped me do that.  I have learned so much that will really enhance the virtual classroom this year and will not only serve my students but will also help me make the most of my time and resources.  This course definitely met my expectations. 

TINT Student

I found this course to be more useful than any other that I have taken when renewing my teacher certification. I didn’t have to make up fake lesson plans or engage in other activities that had no real utility for me. I was able to freely explore resources that interested me and find ways to apply them to my own interests and activities. I’ve enjoyed this course very much.

TINT Student