Online Class:  

Curious Minds: Create a Culture of Inquiry and Authentic Learning

Instructor: Krista Geffre

This course is designed to help you to create a classroom environment where students' natural curiosity is encouraged through a culture of inquiry and authentic learning.  As you read and reflect on the textbook (details below) you will examine your own classroom practice and apply new ideas for supporting and encouraging curiosity in a student-centered environment. At the end of this course, you will have practical strategies and ideas for encouraging student creativity and increasing motivation and engagement through inquiry, questioning, and autonomy.


For K-12 Teachers

This class is offered for 3 Quarter Credits

Required Textbook:

Cultivating Curiosity in K-12 Classrooms: How to Promote and Sustain Deep Learning by Wendy L. Ostroff

Register Anytime!  You can start your course TODAY!

1. Click "Registration" below.  Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card. 

2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework. 

3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace.  Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!


Option 1:  Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525


Option 2:   3 Quarter Credit  = TINT Tuition Fee: $525

+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690

Student Testimonials:

I’m coming away from this course with tangible strategies to try during this upcoming school year as well as a renewed excitement about teaching from the frame of mind that there are endless possibilities and discoveries that can be made by thinking outside the box and encouraging my students to do the same. This course exceeded my expectations and was exactly what I was needing at this point in my teaching journey.

TINT Student

What did you find to be the most beneficial aspect of this class?  

The readings! Hands down! I love taking classes like this because it exposes me to great articles and textbooks I might not have otherwise known about. And, I love the reflective nature of this course. I truly benefit when I have not only permission but time to sit and digest what I am reading. I feel that during the school year, this isn’t always the case. I feel I have to dive in and fly by the seat of my pants every single day, in a constant state of survival mode. The highly reflective assignments allowed me to internalize the material read so that I could remember it, but also keep a record of specific teaching moves I can easily reference to try out in future years. I also appreciated being able to choose the additional text I could use for this course. This allowed me to follow my interest, which is far more relevant, meaningful, and impactful!

TINT Student

I really enjoyed this course. It has been my favorite continuing ed courses so far, a favorite course outside of continuing ed, as well. I appreciate the extent I have been able to self-reflect; being able to process where I am in life, where I have been, and developing where I am heading is of great value to me. I appreciate that the material covered is of invaluable importance currently in the field of education and a critical shift in our system, but also has a breadth of importance far beyond the classroom. It has inspired me in my parenting, how I engage with others across age span, and how I drive my own learning and thinking. I wish this course was required of all districts and people who engage with students.

TINT Student


I found this class incredibly useful. The content was perfect for my role as a STEM teacher, and I really appreciated the flexibility in assignments that allowed me to adapt my plans for the online classroom. This ties in perfectly with the PBL training I took in the Spring!


The textbook is a great resource and I’m sure I’ll refer to it often. It was helpful to see that some of the things I’m already doing cultivate curiosity but it also gave me a lot of new ideas of things to try.

TINT Student


I did appreciate the structure and flexibility to try to push us into the same kind of curiosity use as we hope to instill in students. I have to say I really appreciated the core text as well as options for the readings. Ostroff does an exceptional job giving you the framework, ideas from varied curricula, and grounding it in research that is well sourced and cited.

TINT Student

This course surpassed my expectations by being entirely inspirational and useful to my practice.

TINT Student

I’ve been really excited about this class and appreciate the openness of the lessons. It really allowed me to make it fit my classroom and where I am with the new curriculum. It gave me time to dive into the curriculum and not feel like it's extra work, but it's applicable to the coursework and what will help me prepare for this year. It also doesn't feel like I'm doing extra work… It fits the need. Thank you for modeling this structure.

TINT Student

I was a little hesitant when I began this class, wondering where inquiry-based learning would fit into a full day. It is a struggle to get everything in as it stands now. As I continued my reading and tried a few lessons in my classroom I felt inspired. It became evident very quickly that standards fit easily into inquiry. My students were writing, using conventions, and reading like crazy. The excitement I felt from my students was enough of a validation. Inquiry-based learned has energized my students. Next year I plan on continuing to find ways to embed inquiry into my classroom. I reminded me of how teaching used to be and should be. I think for several years we have been so focused on test scores and standards that we have left parts of inquiry out. This class reminded me that it can all work together.” Thank you for a great class!

TINT Student