Online Class:  

Adolescent Brains: Understanding and Teaching Teens

Instructor: Krista Geffre

In this course, you will explore creating a classroom and school environment that understands and supports the developing adolescent student. The course text, The Power of the Adolescent Brain by Thomas Armstrong approaches this important topic from a strengths-based perspective. 

You will leave this course with a deep understanding of the adolescent brain, how it develops and impacts learning, as well as brain friendly teaching strategies you can implement right away.

For 6-12 Teachers

This class is offered for 3 Quarter Credits

Required Textbook: 

The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students by Thomas Armstrong, ASCD, 2016, ISBN-10: ‎1416621873, ISBN-13: ‎978-1416621874

Register Anytime!  You can start your course TODAY!

1. Click "Registration" below.  Our site will redirect you to an SPU registration page where you will pay both the TINT and SPU fee with a credit card. 

2. You will receive an email from SPU with your receipt and a link to the coursework. 

3. You have a year to complete the work at your own pace.  Your grade will be posted on your transcript within a few weeks (and often sooner) of you finishing!


Option 1:  Non-Credit/Audit TINT Tuition Fee: $525


Option 2:   3 Quarter Credit = TINT Tuition Fee: $525

+ $165 SPU Credit Fee (Click here for SPU Info) = $690

Student Testimonials:

The most beneficial part of this class was the reminder of how adolescent brains are wired. That they function like a car with no brakes and need/crave peer interaction. Finally, they can have great insights but they also have no/few life experiences with which to guide them.

This class definitely met my expectations. Initially, I was just hoping to get a few tricks and tools to help me out with teaching. Coming away from this class with an adjusted mindset is sooooo helpful. 

In conversations with my colleagues, I have repeatedly mentioned tidbits from this class.

—TINT Student